Selasa, 26 Desember 2017


"Sudah berapa lama?"
Ia memandangku dengan sudut matanya, sembari menelan sisa teh hangat yang masih berada di rongga mulutnya.
"Delapan," jawabnya singkat.
Kali ini, ada senyum canggung tersungging di bibirnya.
"Terus kamu nikah sama orang lain?"
Ia tersenyum, lebih ramah dari sebelumnya. "Kalo aku bisa ngatur siapa jodohku, aku juga ga bakalan milih untuk pernah pacaran sama dia kalo akhirnya ga jodoh juga, mbak."

Entahlah. Mungkin memang benar, hidup itu sandiwara.

Sabtu, 09 Desember 2017

I pinched him

My husband made a huge mistake on me. And I knew that he knew it. The pain feels so strong. Deep. Dark.

Then I pinched him. I pinched him while he slept. I didn't knew weather he thought it was a dream, or I was the one who did that. He was moaning while sleeping, but didn't do anything more.

Suatu hari, kamu akan baca tulisan aku ini, aku tau. Aku cuma pingin kamu tau, that you killing me inside. But I would not do the same. Never. I respect my self by not doing the same mistakes that cause so painful wound.  Cause I knew it hurts me, and I'm not that kind of woman who like do some revenge. Keep that in your mind.

Love, Echi.

Minggu, 03 Desember 2017



Will my baby forgive me for not being a good mom?

Cause every time I cry, I know it hurts him also.
Forgive me, God.

Jumat, 01 Desember 2017