Kamis, 08 Juni 2017

Pre marriage stress

For every conversation​ by phone, when I get mad on my 'husband to be', I remember his face, then my heart whispers "dia cuma butuh diajarin kok chi."

Well, I'm tired with this mixed feeling. But I can't help my self for giving this man more chance, since he always does the same (dia selalu sabar tiap kali gw ngamuk ga menentu).

Somehow, I realize what the exactly definition of love is. It's about acceptance. About forgiveness. About twist feeling with the same person. About.. unlogical things (gw biasanya ga suka yang kaya gini).

So, my man, if you read this one.. I love you. Keep learning 'the right way to love me' ya sayang. I learn to do the same. I learn, though I'm not telling you sayang..but it's hurt for me every time I'm​ hurting you.

With love

Your 'stubborn' wife to be

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